A new documentary aired on CNN titled “What Happened to Tennessee? The Battle of Blue and Red” highlights the political turmoil and polarization in the state. The film follows the story of state representatives, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, who were dramatically expelled from office for speaking out in favor of gun reform. The expulsion was seen as a reflection of the increasing one-party rule in Tennessee, where Republicans dominate and Democrats have minimal input in legislation.
The documentary explores the history of bipartisanship in Tennessee and the impact of the 2010 Tea Party movement, which led to gerrymandering that favored Republicans. As a result, Democratic voices, even in heavily Democratic areas like Nashville, are marginalized. The film also features interviews with grassroots leaders like Odessa Kelly and Matthew Shoaf, who are frustrated by the political dynamics that prevent collaboration and progress.
Despite the challenging political environment, the documentary also highlights the resilience and determination of individuals like the two Justins, who are part of a new generation of leaders striving for positive change. The film serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers of one-party rule and the importance of maintaining a diverse and inclusive democracy. Overall, “What Happened to Tennessee? The Battle of Blue and Red” offers a glimpse into the complexities of state politics and the efforts of individuals to overcome divisions and work towards a better future.
Photo credit amp.cnn.com