The new movie “Civil War” is set in a not-so-distant future where the United States is divided, volatile, and at war with itself. The film features Kirsten Dunst as a journalist and Nick Offerman as an authoritarian president in his third term. The political leanings of the factions are not clear, but the themes of polarization and contempt for the “other side” are prominent. The writer and director of the movie, Alex Garland, emphasizes the danger of conflating politics with morality and the importance of open dialogue and understanding across ideological divides.
Recent polls show that many Americans are concerned about the future of American democracy, with a significant number believing that the country is headed towards a civil war. There is a widespread lack of trust in the political system, with large majorities of both Trump and Biden supporters expressing concerns about democracy if the other side wins. The trend of supporting unchecked executive power, depending on who is in office, is also troubling.
The deep distrust of the “other side” and the lack of faith in the political system are highlighted as dangerous trends in American society. The movie “Civil War” and recent polls underscore the urgent need for greater unity, understanding, and respect for differing viewpoints in order to avoid further division and potential conflict in the future.
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