Francis Ford Coppola, the renowned director of films like “The Godfather” and “Apocalypse Now,” is facing accusations of inappropriate behavior on the set of his upcoming film, “Megalopolis.” According to a report by The New York Times, several extras on the set have come forward alleging that Coppola attempted to kiss them without their consent.
The accusations against Coppola have sparked outrage in the industry, with many calling for accountability and transparency. The extras who spoke to The New York Times described feeling uncomfortable and violated by Coppola’s actions, which they believe crossed professional boundaries.
In response to the allegations, Coppola’s representatives have denied any wrongdoing on his part. They have stated that Coppola has always maintained a professional and respectful environment on set, and that he categorically denies the allegations made against him.
However, the accusations against Coppola have raised questions about the treatment of extras and performers in the entertainment industry. Many are calling for greater protections for workers on sets, as well as for clear guidelines on appropriate behavior from those in positions of power.
As the allegations against Coppola continue to make headlines, it remains to be seen how this will impact the release of “Megalopolis” and Coppola’s reputation in the industry. The director, who has been a major figure in Hollywood for decades, is now facing scrutiny and backlash for his alleged actions on set. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of holding individuals accountable for their behavior and ensuring a safe and respectful working environment for all.
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